Ayr 2 Albion Rovers 1
Birmingham 1 Blackpool 0
Corinthian 0 Chichester 2
Haywards Heath 2 Hastings 0
Morecambe 0 Milton Keynes 4
Whitehawk 0 Whitstable 1
Bonus Haywards Heath 1 Hastings 0
League Table
Week Acc
Adrian 2 64
Bert NEC 10 90
Hastingschris 6 73
Jack 8 75
Leon 3 78
Minstrels Rest 8 80
Mrs G 2 54
PhilD 2 59
PhilG 1 67
Rev59 10 64
Sean Adams 4 55
Simod79 0 53
Thomas 6 72
Tom2698 6 51
Vernon 0 56
Westy 2 50
Windy 1 65
So, Bert and Rev59 this weeks winners with 10 points.Bert extends his lead and showing we Brits how it is done, followed by Minstrels Rest and Jack.