Please can i suggest an alternative to Amazon,? ,, Save your High Street shop,,, you can buy this book via Hive ,,, £9.99. by nominating a local bookshop for delivery , I would choose Prented Matter, Queens Road,, the shop gets 5% of sale price,,, every little helps,,,,, the shop owner would then contact you and inform you when it's available,,, I just ordered a book on Friday night, was ready for collection yesterday morning,,,, they also do free home deliveries but please don't use Amazon if you can help it,,,, you'll all be moaning when the High Street shops shut !!! Printed Matter incidentally is a great shop and the owner Lee is a lovely bloke,,, go and check it out,,,, 185 Queens Rd, just down from Morrisons 👍. Check out the Hive website to see how it works,,,, worth a look
-- Edited by Windy on Tuesday 10th of March 2020 01:09:09 PM
-- Edited by Windy on Tuesday 10th of March 2020 01:16:08 PM
Yes they do,,,, Lee sells vinyl too and there is a vinyl store open at weekends in his basement,,,, run by a couple of nice guys and well worth a visit,,, ive mansged to get hold of a couple of bargains that I've been looking for, for ages, More pleasurable than searching Ebay and Amazon any day mate 👍