I don't know if anyone else has the same message at the begining of the address bar on this website that says Your Connection to this Site is not Secure!
The same message appears on the main Hastings United Website.
You going through your home wi-fi or an external network? Have run both sites through my chrome browser here and both seem secure. There’s no correlation between the two sites at all so might be your network.
I am going through my home Wi Fi but I have used an external network as well as 4G and it is all the same.
At the front of the address bar it says hufc.activeboard.com but before that there is an i circled and afterwards it says Not Secure. If you click on it it explains it all.
If I go on other websites like Football Web Pages in the same place there is a Green padlock with the words Secure next to it.
I have spoken to some people and they say it should be https:// before hufc.activeboard.com with the s on the end meaning secure!