Some will be familiar of the concept of Fat Finger Syndrome (a condition involving the inadvertent sending of an email to the wrong person )
The context to the story is my desire to provide radio coverage for the club at my expense for Hospital Radio Hastings. OK these the were non admission paying people who happened to be in hospital making non contribution to the clubs financial position, but stick with it!"
I was told at the time from DW about the withdrawal of press box facilities from me, the disconnection of the press box landline ( the sort of support you would expect for volunteers)
As a consequence I applki8ed for a Press Pass and secured one, overcoming attempts to thwart me
I prepared a Press Release and sent it to Sean Adams ( who has no blame in this sad story), advising that the service would run from 2007/Sean quite properly sent it to DW ( who was espousing his commitment to community values etc for the club). He had his own private thoughts though and sent them to Sean, displaying a scant regard for community values. Sadly, in error his response came to me instead
I would leave it to supporters to judge the sincerity of the values and position behind the statement
-----Original Message----- From: Roger Sinden [] Sent: 18 June 2007 12:51 To: Subject: Radio coverage
Hi Sean,
Just wanted to notify you of a new agreement that I have with Hastings Hospital radio for coverage to be provided to patients at the Conquest this year, in addition to existing commitments for Arrow FM and BBC Southern Counties. I am sure that they will be doing their own press release in due course but it may be helpful to include details of this new service in a match day programme early on in the season.
I will continue to operate from my seat in the stand largely, but would obviously want to continue to access the press box as well during the course of, and both before sand after the game. I obviously need the light in winter months to read prepared material.
Just to confirm that my official press pass has also been sent to me. PLease feel free to share this with others who would want to be appraised of developments. Thanks Roger
I used to stand in for Roger and do his radio updates which I always thought were particularly useful on our treks into the nether regions of the old Southern Premier. Thanks for all you've done, Roger. A loyal, long term supporter with that 250 mile round trip for home games who has stuck it out this last ten years.