I've been doing a clear-out and have found some programmes from the years 2013-2019 I attended up until the last year.
I was thinking of putting them on EBay but was just wondering whether there are any avid programme collecters on here who would be interested in having them and using them as some form of memorabilia? If not then I will probably get in contact with the club and ask if they would be interested in having these to mark some sort of display of the various programmes from over the years.
Looking to sell all 20 programmes for £5.
Anyone interested, please reply to me on here, any other advice/suggestions would be extremely welcome.
I too have been having a clear out and have found over 110 Hastings United/Town AWAY programmes dating back to the 1979/1980 season including the old Hastings United/Hastings Town and the present United.
Amongst these are the Sussex Senior Cup Finals of 1989/1999 and 2000.
I also have over 30 St Leonards Programmes from the 90s and some Ghost Fanzine books.
I am looking to sell them if anyone is interested.