We invite all fans to attend but only current paid up members can vote on committee matters on the night.
Current committee members will stand down on the night as per the constitution then along with any people also keen to join the committee will stand for re-election. There are currently 8 members on the committee but we look to hopefully increase this to a total of 10 once departures and new arrivals are confirmed.
Topics discussed on the night will include fundraising events, SC membership benefits and looking to enhance how the SC can help support and enhance the clubs fanbase and ideas for improving the match-day experience from a fans point of view.
There have been firm foundations laid this season within the SC which we can build on further, there have already been some exciting plans discussed for next season to build on last seasons events and the SC would love to involve more fans in the process and look forward to seeing as many there as possible!
-- Edited by Dan on Tuesday 31st of May 2016 07:55:21 PM
-- Edited by Dan on Tuesday 31st of May 2016 08:21:20 PM
Please come along if you can. A chance to voice your opinion, listen to what the committee have to say and even your chance to come on the committee. Next Tuesday.
Remember to please attend this if you can tonight, do sterling work for the fans and to ease the clubs profile and fanbase and always looking for more support.
Thanks to this seasons committee for all their hard work with everything.