I am aware that this is a totally random post for this time of year, bu it was one of those little things that came to me on the bog, literally. Is there going to be the supporters team v the first team at the end of the season this year?
The last one was a fair few years ago now, and very amusing from a spectators point of view! Don't think the gate was too bad either!
Its funny actually Liam, I was sitting on the bog the other day thinking, I wonder what stupid thing Liam will come out with next after predicting an away win for Gibraltar in the predict 6 earlier this month. Amazing what you think about when taking a dump isn't it!
The last game was at the end of 2011-2012. DW has always been up for it and been very accommodating when we have asked in the past but we didn't do it in 2012-13 as we were relegated and the atmosphere around the club, with Sean stepping down just didn't make it feel right to even ask, and last year we made the play offs and straight after Simon had a load of work to do to the pitch. It has always been really good fun and raised decent money for the club. I even remember DW turning out a few years back and Nathan Russell turning out in American football gear and crash helmet.
Last time we played the 1st team we held them to 2 nil at half time, before eventually losing 9-0 and missing a twice taken penalty.
I'm sure if we are promoted this season, as impossible as it may seem, I will be knocking down Dave's door for another game but we'll look at that in April next year. It just worries me that while taking a sh*t you think of the supporters team
I believe the club are considering hiring out the pitch at the end of the season so there may be an opportunity to play at The Pilot Field, whether that'll against the first team of not I don't know, you'll have to ask Dom.